Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Unintentional Experiment

I'm going to preface this by saying mama always said that politics and religion do not make for pleasant or appropriate conversation, so I'll save my own personal diatribe on the state of the world... for now.

However, I feel compelled to share the findings of my daily and unintentional experiment. When I fire up the pistons each day, there are a handful of sites I check. How different am I from you? I hit the news, my scores, adjust the fantasy team lineup, stroll over to some forecast views, and, if there's time, maybe a quick peek to see if Britney Spears left her kids at home to go clubbing again, you know, the usual havens of education, wonderment and amusement. On the news front, I spy and Some would argue that either truly deliver "news". Anyways, it is clear to me that these two very mainstream news sites are becoming more and more of an experiment into an attitude of the status and progress of the Iraq war.

OK, HUGE and complex topic, and again, I'll save you from my own thoughts and inclinations on the subject. One thing that has become increasingly obvious and quite comical is how one site stands clear on one side of the issue and the other site is, well, exact opposite. What's the expression... Apples and Oranges? Ebony and Ivory? Frick and Frack?

Being modestly trained in aspects of print journalism back at "my old school" (great Steely Dan song by the way) I always thought that the world of news media was supposed to remove itself from a conflict of interest and to be objective, not subjective. Obviously, it looks like things have changed with everyone lining up with their own agendas. Maybe that's why the pulse of this nation is so skewed - too many people actually believe everything they read in the papers, hear on the radio, watch on TV, and find on the web.

Anyways, I digress... so, this experiment that was borne over the course of the last several months currently shows the score: CNN - DOOM and GLOOM, Foxnews - There is still hope.

Hey, don't take my word for it, check the headlines and draw your own conclusions as to the mood. What color pill is each respective editor giving you? A dose of Pull back and retreat or All is lost? Perhaps 20 cc's of Stay the course and Victory is achievable?

All this proud American is saying is just try to keep an open mind, pray for a positive and improving situation in the world, and whatever you do, please don't anxiously shovel down each heaping spoonful of bullshit that 'they' feed you!

What say you, oh, singular and independent consciousness?

God bless you all (I still have this right, right?)