Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Plenty of Room on the Bandwagon

Greetings and Happy New Years.

You see that game the other night? I'm not talking about Dwayne Jarrett's single-handed dismantling of the maize and blue. My apologies Michigan. Regarding that other ho-hum contest on the docket, I didn't plan on watching as I thought it would be a blowout win for the Sooners. So, on a 'kid's eating me out of house and home' grocery run, I radioed in to check the status of the Fiesta bowl, and was surprised to find it was 14-0 Broncos. No, not Denver Broncos - they choked on their ham sandwich of a season about 24 hours prior. Wow, pretty interesting score between Boise and OU. Surely, the Sooners would eventually wear down the inferior athletes from the unknown school in isolated Idaho.

Getting home, unloading the groks, and putting the boys to bed, I thought I'd finish off the bottle of vino I opened the other night and see how the game was going. I could always flip to Groundhog Day on TNT if the game ended up getting out of hand, as I assumed it would. Groundhog Day is on the short list of movies that you will always have to watch when you stumble across it... just like Jaws, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and Killer Klowns From Outer Space, of course.

I'm not sure how many of you guys got destroyed by the wife for waking the kids, but it was pretty unavoidable last night. As a sports fan and a huge fan of "the moment", there was no way I could contain myself during the fireworks finish.

HOLY *&$%! Yeah, that profound statement pretty much sums up my feeling about Boise State's improbable upset over the mighty and storied Sooners. As you witnessed, it was no fluke, no lucky bounce. That group of kids from Nowheresville U., just outside of East Bumble, with the Smurf grass home turf and funny uniforms stood toe to toe with Goliath and struck him down. In truth, this Boise squad can ball. They had beaten Oregon State who helped knock USC out of the title game. However, even two days after this grandest of games, there are still doubters and skeptics about this unassuming participant to the national stage. Not only was that one of the greatest games in the history of college football (go ahead and argue how it's not), but it also reminded us to never give up (copyright Jimmy V), never underestimate the heart of a champion (copyright Rudy Tomjanovich), and always believe in the greatness that lies within - this was exemplified on both sides of the ball. Just look at what Oklahoma dealt with this year.

You have to take stock in what Oklahoma had accomplished and how they fatefully had to lose that game... after the year they had, after enduring Bomar, Texas, Oregon, and A.D.s busted collar, they rose to something great this year, something special in their own right. To say "NOT NOW", to not lay down when the season was stacking up against them, to not lay down when Paul Thompson was doing his best impersonation of an athlete trying not to suck at quarterback. It's endless if you think of all the significance of the 2007 Tostitos Fiesta Bowl. I think I'm going to order the game on DVD or something. OU clawing back, that fantastic 4th and 18, going for 2, how in the hell did this all happen???

I hope the momentum of Boise/OU overshadows Monday night's title game. Hey Florida, nothing against you, but YOU LOST. You have a big ugly L hung on you. You got beat; the clock ran out, you are imperfect. But you can't blame the Gators for running to the line for the chance at glory - that's the unflinching desire that only two a days in the summer heat can forge. Sadly, those Gators are just another pawn in the high dollar game of top level college football, the only NCAA Div-I sport without a playoff to ultimately decide who gets to stand alone on the podium.

If Florida beats the Buckeyes, I say we find that whiz kid from Real Genius and inflict the BCS computers with a virus that gives Boise State some rightful claim to the throne. Why not? Well, because reality bites. I can see the letter from the NCAA now.... "Dear Boise State Broncos, Congratulations! You just finished a perfect 13-0 season, you beat everyone on your schedule, you defeated the 7-game winning streak Big XII champion got hosed by officials in Oregon could argue to be playing Ohio State Oklahoma Sooners. And you did it with the spirit of an Iroquois warrior and the guts of a Normandy invader; however, you have NO CHANCE at winning a national championship. In fact, you might as well reserve yourselves to being second best for the rest of your lives. That whole George Mason run last March? We had it worked out that they would fail so don't get any ideas. Sincerely, Old FatCats."

Ladies and gents, I ask you for justice sake - stand up for the little man and let your voices be heard. Until money no longer corrupts and handshakes are no longer secret, we are forever reserved to islands of championships tied to weedeaters, outfitters, and office suppliers. At least no corporate television contract can take away our inherent right to crown the mighty Boise Broncos from being true champions... we'll always have ESPN.coms fan poll! What a frickin' moment!

Boise State Fight Song

Fight Broncos, celebrate the orange and blue

Boise will stand and cheer for you

Fight for distinction & our alma mater

Bravely defending B-S-U!

Fight on courageously for Boise State

Success and honor make her great

Boise's proud tradition-

Heads up competition-

Glory for B-S-U!!

Go Orange

Go big Blue

Fight! Fight!


Random items to note:

What's with Adrian Petersen's dad? You know, they let him out of the joint after 8 years and finally got to watch his son play ball. He looked pretty nervous in the stands. Did he really get paroled or is there some giant hole behind a Raquel Welch poster in his empty cell?

Was the Boise State quarterback the stunt double for Bob Slidell from Office Space?

How sauced was Barry Alvarez? Were Barry's long absences from the broadcast due to him working the media room buffet and bar? "8 whiskey sours and I can still sell the sunofabitch."

Who the hell is Charles Davis? That guy was terrible and he actually DEFENDED not having a playoff system in college football. I thought that leprechaun Brennaman was going to kill him.